A presentation at All The Talks by Sasha Czarkowski (Rosenbaum)
Sasha Rosenbaum Sr. Product Manager @GitHub @DivineOps
I am a human who cares
COVID-19 Pandemic
High mortality rate Potential Positives: Health care systems overload Air pollution reduction Economic slow down Acceptance of remote work Disruption of travel Deregulation of remote healthcare services Dramatic rise in unemployment Accelerated medical research Lack of childcare Communities, corporations and governments contributing to significant relief efforts School closures Rise in xenophobia and racism Increase in domestic violence April 15th, 2020 #AllTheTalks
Nurses and midwives from around the world tell us what it’s like to fight COVID-19 - WHO video
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJBgEICGYSQ&feature=youtu.be
How can you help?
Take care of yourself And your family
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito
You can donate:
What are the options? (Links at the end)
Food banks Grocery shopping for neighbors Hospital support Phone support lines Blood donations
OSS projects summary https://github.blog/2020-03-23-open-collaboration-on-covid-19/
https://github.com/jakobzhao/virus COVID-19: Novel Coronavirus Infection Map
Folding@home is a distributed-computing project that uses the personal computers of volunteers to model molecular dynamics for, among other things, computational drug design.
All The Talks Online conference is donating to the World Health Organization COVID-19 response fund. There are many other charities currently focused on supporting the response efforts, such as Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, and local charities.
Global response coordination Millions of boxes of protective equipment Public information resources Medical research investments Crisis response capacity
Most charities get a significant percentage of their donations through fundraising events, which have now been canceled. The cause you were donating to before now needs you more than ever!
Some companies also do donation matches – check if your employer does that
On March 5th, Microsoft announced it would continue to pay hourly workers that support its campuses. Amazon, Expedia, Facebook, Twitter, Google and Salesforce later followed suit.
Microsoft is donating the food normally served in its cafeterias to local school children National School Lunch Program.
Donating GitHub compute capacity to help find a drug treatment
CVS delivers prescriptions for free, allows refills more than 30 days in advance
Uber Eats waves delivery fees, GrubHub delays delivery fees for independent restaurants
One example coverage article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhessekiel/2020/03/11/companies-taking-first-steps-to-support-covid-19-response-efforts/#261c3b2f6f8f
Every generation has its moment - WHO video Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ETufT1IdlA
The COVID-19 pandemic affects every one of us, and we are just beginning to understand the potential impact of this crisis. Today, we are a global community, interconnected in a myriad ways. How can we bond together to keep the world safe, and protect the vulnerable?